Report for

Report created on: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 08:38:24 GMT
NS Records at Parent Servers
We have successfully fetched domain's NS records from parent name server (
Domain NS records:
  • TTL=172800 [NO GLUE4] [NO GLUE6]
  • TTL=172800 [NO GLUE4] [NO GLUE6]
Name Servers Have A Records
OK. Found A records for all name servers.
  • →
  • →
To reach your name servers via IPv4 an A record is needed for each name server.
Name Servers Have AAAA Records
NOTICE: While reading domain NS records at parent name servers, we found name servers without AAAA records.
  • → ?
  • → ?
To reach your name servers via IPv6 an AAAA record is needed for each name server.
NS Records
Your name servers returned 1 NS records:
  • dazzler2012. TTL=3600 [NO GLUE4] [NO GLUE6]
All Name Servers Responded
OK. All your name servers responded. We queried domain's records from all of your name servers and we received them successfully.
Glue Check
OK. No differences found. The glue provided by the parent name servers has to match the data provided by the authoritative name servers.
Allow Recursive Queries
OK. Domain name servers are not allowing recursive queries. On all name servers which acts as caching name servers recursive queries should be restricted to local networks. Having open DNS servers can lead to abuses such as cache poisoning and DOS (denial of service) attacks. Cache poisoning attacks allows under certain conditions to redirect legitimate web traffic, email and other traffic to malicious hosts compromising security.
Check Name Servers Count
WARNING: Domain has 1 name servers. Recommended number, between 2 and 7 name servers (RFC 2182 recommends to have at least 3 authoritative name servers for domains).
Identical NS Records
OK. All your name servers reported identical NS records. Each name server should return identical NS records.
Check for Lame Name servers
OK. No lame name servers found. All of your name servers are configured to be either master or slave for your domain.
Check All IPs are Public
OK. No private IPs found. Name servers using private IPs can't be reached from the Internet causing DNS delays.
Name Servers Have A Records
FAIL: We found name servers without A records.
  • dazzler2012. → ?
To reach your name servers via IPv4 an A record is needed for each name server.
Name Servers Have AAAA Records
NOTICE: We found name servers without AAAA records.
  • dazzler2012. → ?
To reach your name servers via IPv6 an AAAA record is needed for each name server.
Name Servers Have Valid Names
OK. All names are valid. Name server name should be a valid host name, no partial name or IP address.
Check for Stealth Name Servers
WARNING: Found stealth name servers:
  • dazzler2012.
All name servers returned by domain name servers should be listed at parent servers.
Check for Missing Name Servers
WARNING: Found missing name servers:
All name servers returned by the parent name servers should have an NS record at your name servers.
No CNAME in NS Records
OK. No CNAMEs found in NS records. RFC 2181, section 10.3 says that host name must map directly to one or more address record (A or AAAA) and must not point to any CNAME records. RFC 1034, section 3.6.2 says if a name appears in the right-hand side of RR (Resource Record) it should not appear in the left-hand name of CNAME RR, thus CNAME records should not be used with NS and MX records. Despite this restrictions, there are many working configuration using CNAME with NS and MX records.
Allow TCP connections
OK. All name servers are allowing TCP connections. When response to a DNS query exceeds 512 bytes, TCP is negotiated and used, all name servers should allow TCP connections (port 53).
Name Servers Distributed on Multiple Networks
OK. Name servers are dispersed on 0 different C class networks:
Name servers should be dispersed (topologically and geographically) across the Internet to avoid risk of single point of failure (RFC 2182).
Name Servers Versions
OK. Name servers software versions are not exposed:
Exposing name server's versions may be risky, when a new vulnerability is found your name servers may be automatically exploited by script kiddies until you patch the system. Learn how to hide version.
Check SOA Record
Domain SOA Record:
  • Primary nameserver: dazzler2012.
  • Hostmaster (e-mail): hostmaster.
  • Serial: 3
  • Refresh: 900
  • Retry: 600
  • Expire: 86400
  • Minimum TTL: 3600
Name Servers Agreement on Serial Number
OK. All name servers (2) have the same serial number [3]. Having different serials on your name servers may show inconsistencies between name servers configuration (multiple masters), or communication errors (ACL and firewall issues).
SOA Number Format
NOTICE: Although your serial is valid [3], it's not using recommended serial number format YYYYMMDDnn, where YYYY is four-digit year number, MM is the month, DD is the day and nn is the sequence number in case zone file is updated more than once per day.
SOA Mname
WARNING: Primary name server dazzler2012. listed in SOA Record is not found at the parent name servers. The MNAME field defines the Primary Master name server for the zone, this name server should be found in your NS records.
SOA Rname
OK. Contact email for DNS problems is hostmaster@ (hostmaster.). RNAME field defines an administrative email for your zone. RFC2142 recommends using hostmaster e-mail for this purpose, but any valid e-mail address can be used.
SOA Refresh
WARNING: Refresh interval is 900. Recommended values [1200 .. 43200] (20 min ... 12 hours). Refresh field from SOA record determines how quickly zone changes are propagated from master to slave.
SOA Retry
OK. Retry interval is 600. Recommended values [120 .. 7200] (2 minutes .. 2 hours). Retry field from SOA record defines how often slave should retry contacting master if connection to master failed during refresh.
SOA Expire
WARNING: Expire interval is 86400. Recommended values [604800 .. 1209600] (1 week ... 2 weeks). Expiry defines zone expiration time in seconds after which slave must re-validate zone file, if contacting master fails then slave will stop responding to any queries.
SOA Minimum TTL
OK. Minimum TTL value is 3600. Recommended values [3600 .. 86400] (1 hour ... 1 day). Minimum TTL was redefined in RFC 2308, now it defines the period of time used by slaves to cache negative responses.
Resolve Domain Name
OK. Domain resolves to:
Domain Name IPs are Public
OK. No private IPs found for Web servers using private IPs can't be reached from the Internet.
Resolve WWW
OK. Domain resolves to:
WWW IPs are Public
OK. No private IPs found for Web servers using private IPs can't be reached from the Internet.

Report completed in 1.05 seconds.

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